Showing posts with label cool test. Show all posts
Showing posts with label cool test. Show all posts

Funny psychology test. How does the girl move?

The object of this test is not to admire the naked girl and wonder why couldn't they draw her so that we can see her better. Or, if you're a girl to wonder how can she be so thin. NO. The idea is to tell which way she spins. If you see her spinning clockwise then you use more of the right side of the brain when thinking. If it's the other way around, counterclockwise, then obviously you use more of the left side.

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This is as test as serious as you can get. Most of us seem to see her spinning clockwise. But trust me, with a little effort she can be seen counterclockwise.

The most simple way to do that is to start looking at her foot shadow. Then YOU decide which way she spins, OK? Moving your sight upwards you'll see she gets the direction you gave her. It's simpler than you think. But anyway, the whole idea is to decide which part of your brain you're using the most. Here's some explanation for each situation that should tell you more about yourself:

Right side of the brain functions:
  • Feelings
  • Broader picture
  • Imagination leads you
  • Symbols and images
  • Philosophy and Religion
  • I get it pretty fast
  • Spatial Perception
  • Based on fantasy
  • Impetuous
  • Risk taking

Left side of the brain functions:
  • Logic
  • Details
  • Facts lead the life
  • Words and language
  • Present and past
  • Maths and sciences
  • Ability of understanding
  • The perception of order and mechanisms
  • Based on reality
  • Makes strategies
  • Practical
  • Doesn't take risks
See also on Laughish Blog:
- Stages of work. First 3 months
- Wife's sweet revenge


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