Showing posts with label fun. Show all posts
Showing posts with label fun. Show all posts

Incredible. They found water on Mars

Now you see it with your own eyes. There is water on Mars. It's not been easy to figure it out, but eventually, after years of study the truth has come out. And there is so much water that Mars could even drown in it. Scientists are currently working on another study, to see if they can find Coca Cola on Mars. There's this rumour that an alien civilization lived on Mars once and used to drink Coke. If any picture of that study comes out, you'll see it first on Laughish Blog :)

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See also:
- Man's curiosity = progress of civilization
- Man's love life. The three stages


Video game for old people

It's good to spend quality time. If old folks had a video game only for themselves, it would definitely look like this one. Good thing they doesn't exist yet, otherwise our grandparents would be too busy for us.


Funny financial crisis

I know one or two employers that would do exactly the same. Cutting down expenses at any cost or do exactly as below.... On second thoughts, everybody would do that if not for those damn unions:) Anyway, sometimes the financial crisis leads to funny situations, and you can see one here.

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The longest tongue in the world

Two breahtaking records now.... His name is Stephen Taylor from UK. His.... organ, so to speak, measures 3,74 inches, that is from top up the upper lip til the top of the tongue. His tongue is obviously longer than that but this is how they quantify this record.

As for women, the record stays in Europe too. That's because the German Annika Irmler has tongue of 2,76 inches long. She's still in school, that is young. I don't know at this point whether a human's tongue grows longer as he/she gets older (so it should). What I know for sure is that Annika is not a girl I want to share my ice-cream with....:)


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