Showing posts with label walt disney. Show all posts
Showing posts with label walt disney. Show all posts

Walt Disney cartoons look alike?

We could say so if we looked at the video below. A slight lack of imagination of the producers at dancing scenes? One could assume that there are some patterns concerning the way the cartoon character moves and acts. The psychologic patterns are obvious.... I wonder if, by any chance, there are physical, real, grabable patterns. One just changes the character's head and looks and there you have it - a new movie!

Anyway, it's not easy to do animation. When the movies below were actually produced, the PC was not such a big hit as it is today, making it even more difficult. All the drawings were made manually. Quite complicated, if we take into consideration that even now it takes a few years to complete a hour and a half animation movie.

Yet, all in all the fault-finders found the anomalies and the guys with Disney studios got caught. Interesting though...


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